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Minority Serving Community Colleges:

Celebrating Student Success

November 14–15, 2017 | Washington, D.C.


September 29, 2017

Presentations are being solicited for breakout sessions during the Minority Serving Community Colleges: Celebrating Student Success.

Presentation blocks will be approximately 20-30 minutes. Submitted presentations should include a 200 word or less biography, a half-page abstract, and no more than 7 PowerPoint slides illustrating the presentation (1 title slide + 6 content slides). Slides should be submitted using the approved template; fonts and sizes specified in the template should not be changed. To accommodate the time needed for the Department of Education's review process, PowerPoints slides should be considered final upon submission, and presentations with more than seven slides will not be considered. Abstracts must be a half page, singled-spaced, 12-point font and include:

  1. Title of abstract
  2. Author name(s), affiliation(s)
  3. Primary presenter, affiliation, and email
  4. Session Topic

Note: Due to space limitations, no more than 2 attendees from any one college or organization will be allowed to attend this event. Please consider this when submitting a presentation proposal, and please do not submit presentations with more than two authors from the same college.

Non-colleges (such as 4-year institutions, foundations, non-profits, other federal agencies) are welcome to submit a proposal, but the presentation must include a representative from at least one community or technical college for a peer perspective.